
Accessibility Statement

Same Page is committed to providing equitable access to library resources and services, mindful of accessibility standards, user feedback, and support and accommodations for persons with disabilities.

We advocate for the provision of equitable experiences with our vendors to make our libraries more welcoming, accessible, and usable for all library users.

Reconsideration of Library Materials Statement

Same Page regional libraries have agreed to share collections in order to provide all Nova Scotians with equal opportunity to connect to library resources for learning, discovery, and improved quality of life.

This shared collection contains material from varied points of view, some of which may be regarded as controversial for any number of reasons. In order to facilitate free and open discussion, Same Page regional libraries subscribe to the Canadian Federation of Library Association’s Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries.

Each participating Same Page regional library has their own Collection Development and Maintenance Policy, approved by their regional library board. Any concerns regarding a particular title will be forwarded to the library region(s) that own(s) the title.

Library staff are always willing to discuss with users the adding of materials that have been excluded, or the withdrawing of materials that have been included in the collection.

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